I wrote a Review Ad for Grammarly

Headline: Someone Offered To Fix My Writing Anxiety (At $3 per week for every day’s work)

You know how it feels when you want to master how to drive a car, but you can’t figure out how to start the engine.

That was how I felt every time I turned out an article.

Sometimes, I saw a professional editor correcting my flaws on the same Google Doc, and my heart would jump.

Those were the early days of my content writing career.

The editor’s comments always left me questioning my writing skills, even if they were meant in good faith.

No aspiring writer wants to hear things like:

Reword this sentence 

What does that mean?

Do you want to change this?

Most of the corrections were related to grammar.

I was losing it. 

I was going to give up.

If you want to learn to drive, but you keep crashing cars into trees, you can tell yourself to give up. Right? 


It was a hard choice. I love writing. I do, except for these same mistakes.

It was the path I thought made the most sense to me. 

If I could figure out the grammar part, I believe things would be much different. 

Then one day, I heard about Grammarly.

It promises to help with Grammar issues. FOR FREE.

So, I signed up. 

I installed the apps on pc and began to use them. 

Grammar improved by 75%. 

You know when you are solving a mathematical problem and things are adding up. 

That was what happened.

I went from seeing a ton of grammar issues to a few of them. 


At the time, I used the free plan, which fixed most of the basic grammar issues. 

Are you sometimes confused about how to use commas or if your verb agrees with your nouns?

The free plans cover this.

You can get by with it.


The premium plan is the real deal.

It solves many of the grammar problems I didn’t know I have. It would have taken decades or my entire writing career to understanding Grammar to the same level Grammarly Premium does. 

The premium plans reword sentences on your behalf.

It alerts you when you write passive sentences

“The bottle was broken by a man” INSTEAD OF “A man broke the bottle.” (Stop putting the actors behind the actions.)

It can prepare the tone of your content. I have used a couple of them from storytelling tone, professional tone, or general tone. I like to think about that as if you want to speak like, Stephen King, Barrack Obama, or Drake, respectively.

One day, we will talk about adding a tone that fits Snoop Dogg.

You can find and edit your content for plagiarism. However, do not rely on this plagiarism checker to do a deeper check.

It doesn’t matter how much stuff I write… I can write 10,0000 words or 500 words. Once I paid for the premium plan, it didn’t matter if you wrote 24 hours per day or all the working hours in a year. The fee is unchanged. 

$12 per month. 

That’s $3 per week or $0.48 per day, depending on how you see it. 

You can sign up for the free plan right here

Or, if you wish, go all hard in and claim your discount as a new premium user here.