70 Best Blog Posts I Have Ever Read

best blog posts I enjoyed reading

This post is number 100 on this blog, and what other best way can I celebrate than putting a list of the most insanely beautiful, meaningful, and inspiring best blog posts I have ever read? Thinking about it now, starting this blog has changed my views about marketing, content creation, and business. (I’m still waiting … Read more

How To Read Without Getting Distracted

how to read without getting distracted

To read without getting distracted in the times of the internet and sophisticated mobile devices is quite tricky. There is so much distraction, and inside one distraction, there are many other distractions. For instance, your phone has a few social media apps and games, and one social media app, like Twitter, has hundreds of millions … Read more

How To Grow As A Writer

how to grow as a writer

The ball is in your court if you want to grow as a writer. You can do it, but where will you begin this journey? The first step is to start to describe what you do in detail. What do you do? ‘I’m a writer’ is a bit vague. I have no idea what that … Read more

8 Books On Storytelling Mastery

Books on Storytelling

There are too many books on storytelling. The real issue is how many offer much value compared to the hours it would take to read them. For most, not so much. Read as many as you can. Pick what’s useful and move on to the next. However… Some books are richer or more helpful than … Read more